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Sales Leaderboard

Sales leaderboards are a tool businesses use to gain visibility into the sales team's performance and provide an accurate way to compare their performances.

It is an essential part of any sales process because it allows companies to determine who the top performers and salespeople are and what strategies and techniques tend to be most successful for different teams.

Sales leaderboards can be customized to track a variety of metrics and can be set up to display results on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. They can also be used to track the performance of different sales teams or regions within a company.

What is a sales leaderboard?

A sales leaderboard is a tool used by businesses to track and rank the performance of their sales team. It typically displays the names of the salespeople and their sales figures, such as total revenue generated, number of deals closed, or units sold. 

Sales leaderboards are used to motivate and encourage salespeople to achieve higher levels of performance. By displaying the top performers in a visible and public manner, the leaderboard can serve as a source of competition and inspiration for others on the team. Leaderboards can also help sales managers identify top performers and identify areas for improvement among underperforming team members.

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What is the difference between sales leaderboard and sales dashboard?

A sales leaderboard is a tool that ranks sales team members based on their performance, typically by the amount of sales they have generated. It is often used as a way to motivate and encourage competition among salespeople. A sales dashboard, on the other hand, is a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other relevant data for a sales team or organization. It is designed to provide a quick and easy way to track and analyze the performance of the sales team, as well as identify trends and areas for improvement.

While a sales leaderboard may be included as a component of a sales dashboard, it is generally just one part of a broader set of data and metrics that are tracked and presented in the dashboard. Other elements of a sales dashboard might include data on sales trends, customer acquisition and retention, and sales pipeline management, among others.

What are some great sales leaderboard ideas?

Here are a few ideas for setting up a sales leaderboard:

  1. Track total revenue generated: This is a simple and effective way to measure the success of your sales team. By tracking the total amount of revenue each salesperson generates, you can see who is bringing in the most business for the company.
  2. Track number of deals closed: This metric can be a good way to measure the productivity of your sales team. By tracking the number of deals each salesperson closes, you can see who is most effective at converting leads into customers.
  3. Track units sold: If your business sells physical products, tracking the number of units sold can be a good way to measure the success of your sales team. This metric can be particularly useful for businesses with a high volume of sales.
  4. Track the value of deals closed: In addition to tracking the number of deals closed, you may also want to track the value of those deals. This can help you see which salespeople are closing larger deals and generating more revenue for the company.
  5. Track customer satisfaction: In addition to traditional sales metrics, you may also want to track customer satisfaction as a way to measure the effectiveness of your sales team. This can be done through surveys or by tracking customer loyalty and retention rates.
  6. Customize the leaderboard to fit your business needs: The metrics you track on your sales leaderboard should be tailored to fit the specific needs of your business. Identify the key performance indicators that are most important to your company and use those to create your leaderboard.

What are the benefits of a sales leaderboard?

There are several benefits to using a sales leaderboard:

  1. Increased motivation: A sales leaderboard can serve as a source of competition and inspiration for your sales team. By displaying the top performers in a visible and public manner, the leaderboard can help motivate salespeople to achieve higher levels of performance.
  2. Improved accountability: A leaderboard can help hold salespeople accountable for their performance. By tracking key metrics and displaying results publicly, the leaderboard can help ensure that salespeople are meeting their goals and contributing to the success of the company.
  3. Enhanced visibility: A leaderboard can help give sales managers visibility into the performance of their team. By tracking key metrics and identifying top performers, managers can see who is succeeding and who may need additional support or coaching.
  4. Improved teamwork: A sales leaderboard can help foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration within the sales team. By encouraging salespeople to work together and support each other's efforts, the leaderboard can help create a positive and productive work environment.
  5. Enhanced customer service: A leaderboard that tracks customer satisfaction can help ensure that your sales team is providing high-quality service to customers. This can help improve customer loyalty and retention, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue for the company.

What are the best practices to use sales leaderboard?

Here are some best practices for using a sales leaderboard:

  1. Clearly define the metrics that will be used to rank team members: It's important to be clear about what performance criteria will be used to rank team members on the leaderboard. This could include metrics such as total sales volume, number of deals closed, or customer satisfaction scores, among others.
  2. Communicate the purpose and goals of the leaderboard: Make sure that all team members understand the purpose of the leaderboard and how it will be used. This can help to create buy-in and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  3. Use the leaderboard as a motivator, not a punishment: The leaderboard should be used as a way to motivate and encourage team members, not as a way to punish or shame those who are not performing as well. It's important to provide support and resources to help team members improve their performance, rather than using the leaderboard as a way to single out and criticize those who are struggling.
  4. Keep the leaderboard up to date: It's important to keep the leaderboard accurate and up to date in order to maintain credibility and fairness. Make sure that all data is entered accurately and consistently, and consider using automated tools to help track and update the leaderboard.
  5. Use the leaderboard as part of a larger performance management strategy: The leaderboard should be just one part of a broader performance management strategy that includes goals, feedback, and coaching. Use the leaderboard as a way to track progress and identify areas for improvement, but be sure to provide additional support and resources to help team members succeed.

What are the best practices to use sales leaderboard?

Here are some best practices for using a sales leaderboard:

  1. Clearly define the metrics that will be used to rank team members: It's important to be clear about what performance criteria will be used to rank team members on the leaderboard. This could include metrics such as total sales volume, number of deals closed, or customer satisfaction scores, among others.
  2. Communicate the purpose and goals of the leaderboard: Make sure that all team members understand the purpose of the leaderboard and how it will be used. This can help to create buy-in and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  3. Use the leaderboard as a motivator, not a punishment: The leaderboard should be used as a way to motivate and encourage team members, not as a way to punish or shame those who are not performing as well. It's important to provide support and resources to help team members improve their performance, rather than using the leaderboard as a way to single out and criticize those who are struggling.
  4. Keep the leaderboard up to date: It's important to keep the leaderboard accurate and up to date in order to maintain credibility and fairness. Make sure that all data is entered accurately and consistently, and consider using automated tools to help track and update the leaderboard.
  5. Use the leaderboard as part of a larger performance management strategy: The leaderboard should be just one part of a broader performance management strategy that includes goals, feedback, and coaching. Use the leaderboard as a way to track progress and identify areas for improvement, but be sure to provide additional support and resources to help team members succeed.

Employee pulse surveys:

These are short surveys that can be sent frequently to check what your employees think about an issue quickly. The survey comprises fewer questions (not more than 10) to get the information quickly. These can be administered at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/quarterly).

One-on-one meetings:

Having periodic, hour-long meetings for an informal chat with every team member is an excellent way to get a true sense of what’s happening with them. Since it is a safe and private conversation, it helps you get better details about an issue.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is one of the simplest yet effective ways to assess your employee's opinion of your company. It includes one intriguing question that gauges loyalty. An example of eNPS questions include: How likely are you to recommend our company to others? Employees respond to the eNPS survey on a scale of 1-10, where 10 denotes they are ‘highly likely’ to recommend the company and 1 signifies they are ‘highly unlikely’ to recommend it.

Based on the responses, employees can be placed in three different categories:

  • Promoters
    Employees who have responded positively or agreed.
  • Detractors
    Employees who have reacted negatively or disagreed.
  • Passives
    Employees who have stayed neutral with their responses.

What are the key features of a sales leaderboard software?

Sales leaderboard software is a type of tool that allows sales teams to track and compare the performance of individual salespeople or sales teams. Here are some key features of a sales leaderboard software:

  1. Real-time tracking: Sales leaderboard software should display up-to-date information on the performance of salespeople or teams, so that everyone can see where they stand relative to their peers.
  2. Customization: Sales leaderboard software should allow users to customize the metrics that are displayed, such as the type of sales (e.g., new business, upsells, renewals), the time period being measured (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually), and the level of granularity (e.g., individual salesperson, team, region).
  3. Gamification: Some sales leaderboard software incorporates elements of gamification, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to make tracking and comparing performance more engaging and fun.
  4. Visibility: Sales leaderboard software should be visible to all members of the sales team, so that everyone can see how they are doing relative to their peers. This can help create a sense of competition and motivate salespeople to perform at their best.
  5. Collaboration: Sales leaderboard software should also encourage collaboration and teamwork, by allowing salespeople to see how their efforts contribute to the overall performance of the team.
  6. Integration with CRM: Sales leaderboard software should be integrated with the team's customer relationship management (CRM) system, so that data is automatically updated and accurate.
  7. Mobile accessibility: Sales leaderboard software should be accessible from mobile devices, so that salespeople can track their performance and see how they are doing on the go.
  8. Reporting and analytics: Sales leaderboard software should provide comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, so that sales leaders can track and analyze performance trends, identify areas for improvement, and optimize sales processes.
  9. Security: Sales leaderboard software should have robust security measures in place to protect data privacy and ensure the integrity of the information being tracked.
  10. Ease of use: Sales leaderboard software should be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, so that salespeople can quickly and easily track and compare their performance.

What are the top 10 sales leaderboard software?

Here are ten sales leaderboard software options that you might consider:

  1. Compass: Compass is the best sales leaderboard software with game-like elements, rewards, recognition, communication, and analytics capabilities. It enables you to engage and turbocharge your revenue-driving teams. You can easily connect Compass to your CRM, HCM, ERP, or everyday work tools.
  2. Ambition: This software allows you to track, measure, and motivate your sales team in real-time. It includes features such as customizable leaderboards, performance tracking, and gamification elements to help drive motivation and competition.
  3. Salesforce: This comprehensive CRM platform includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and compare the performance of your sales reps. It also offers a range of sales productivity tools and analytics to help you optimize your team's performance.
  4. Hoopla: This software offers a range of leaderboard and gamification features to help motivate and engage your sales team. It includes real-time leaderboards, sales contests, and achievement tracking to help you drive results.
  5. LevelEleven: This sales performance management platform includes customizable leaderboards and performance tracking features to help you identify and reward top performers. It also offers tools to help you coach and develop your team's skills.
  6. Chorus: This sales enablement platform includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and measure the performance of your sales reps. It also offers tools to help you optimize sales conversations and improve team collaboration.
  7. Qstream: This sales performance management software includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and measure the performance of your sales team. It also offers tools to help you coach and develop your team's skills, as well as analytics to help you understand and optimize your sales processes.
  8. QuotaPath: This sales performance management platform includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and compare the performance of your sales reps. It also offers tools to help you set and manage quotas, as well as analytics to help you understand and optimize your sales processes.
  9. Outreach: This sales automation platform includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and measure the performance of your sales reps. It also offers tools to help you optimize sales processes and improve team productivity.
  10. Close: This sales CRM platform includes a leaderboard feature that allows you to track and measure the performance of your sales reps. It also offers tools to help you optimize sales processes and improve team productivity.

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