
Schedule a personalized demo to see how Compass can help you make your sales commissions or incentives a strategic task than an administrative burden.

Compass by Giift - Sales Performance Management Solution

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Dipercayai oleh perusahaan global terkemuka

”83% Increase in sales in less than 90 days”

“Using Compass really turned things around for us. It made our sales team excited and more competitive, and it was fun. Seeing their names rise on the leader boards has not only increased our sales but also brought our team closer.”

Pengarah Operasi Jualan, Pepsi

”92.8% Adoption of Compass by sales teams”

Compass telah membantu kami meningkatkan penglibatan pasukan jualan. Kini mudah untuk menyampaikan program komisen kami dan memastikan mereka lancar, telus, dan cekap. Kami melihat peningkatan dalam jualan dan peningkatan sehingga 96.2% dalam penggunaan penebusan

Regional Sales Head, Mercedes-Benz

”Exceptional Customer Service”

"Our compensation managers really liked working with Compass's customer success team. Their technical expertise ensured that our compensation plans were live and running day in and day out without errors or outages.That was the most important criteria for us to decide on them."

VP Strategy and Growth, H&M