
Deploy your incentive compensation plans with confidence

At Compass, our customers are our priority. Our services & support teams are dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience.
Talk to an expert

We enable a holistic approach to sales performance management

Meets the needs of all stakeholders, from sales operations, revenue operations, finance, sales, and HR department

Plan Design
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Determine your desired business outcomes

Automated complex calculations

Data and integrations discussion

Automated complex calculations

Build revenue driven incentive structures

Automated complex calculations

Apply industry best practices

Implementation & Onboarding​
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Scoping and setup of staging environment

Automated complex calculations

Invoicing and sign-off on

Automated complex calculations

Product implementation

Automated complex calculations

Go live – adoption by end users

Formazione e assistenza
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

3 days of training by our specialists

Automated complex calculations

Downloadable resources for admins and users

Automated complex calculations

Customer support to handle queries

Automated complex calculations

Built-in ticketing system with clear SLAs

Progettazione del piano

Taking the stress out of building incentive compensation plans

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Our experienced, professional services team will work with you to determine your desired outcomes and help you design a incentive compensation plan that consistently delivers results

Automated complex calculations

We’ll co-create the sales incentive or commission plans, tailoring them to your organization’s revenue goals and business objectives.

Automated complex calculations

Our professional services team, represented by IC experts and CS managers, will be with you through every step of the way to support the evolving journey of your sales incentive plans.

Implementation and onboarding

Rely on experienced specialists to derisk your implementation

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

A specialized team consisting of a CSM, Technical Architect, Implementation Specialist, and Support – all make sure the IC plans are implemented on time and meticulously maintained.

Automated complex calculations

The desired scope of plans, workflows, reports, integrations and enhancements will be executed through a series of configurations and verified through multiple system walkthroughs.

Automated complex calculations

Enhance data automation, integration, cleansing, and validation by combining data expertise with Compass's powerful APIs, scripting, and ELT capabilities.

Automated complex calculations

We help you personalize the platform with your branding to make it memorable and recognizable to your employees – drawing them into the product making the system truly yours.







Scoping and Project Kick-off


Data & Variables Setup


Schemes Setup


Beta Launch


Production & Go-Live
Formazione e assistenza

Continuous training and premium support

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

A dedicated Customer Success Manager will work with the stakeholders to develop a series of training elements for your program administrators, sales managers, and your sales team.

Automated complex calculations

Our incentive compensation product is backed by a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions.

Automated complex calculations

Customers can easily resolve their queries by accessing our comprehensive product documentation and help articles, conveniently located within the product itself.


Premium support model that keeps you moving forward

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Our incentive compensation product is backed by a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions.

Automated complex calculations

End-users can request and track support cases with full transparency on SLAs. We constantly monitor open issues and provide timely resolution.

Automated complex calculations

Our customer support doesn’t just react to issues; we proactively monitor system performance and provide regular updates to improve functionality.

Funzionalità di livello enterprise che gestiscono scala e complessità

Compass ha sviluppato una suite completa di caratteristiche e funzionalità volte a ridurre in modo significativo i tempi e i costi di gestione dei programmi di incentivazione.

Giunti e unioni
Editing multiutente
Documenti del piano
Esportazione del registro di audit
Notifiche via e-mail
Opinioni sul coaching dei manager
Registri di audit dettagliati
Conformità SOC
Esportazione CSV

85+ opzioni di integrazione

Centralizzate i vostri dati di vendita da qualsiasi fonte di dati in un'unica piattaforma. Il nostro team di tecnici di talento vi aiuterà a integrare i vostri dati da qualsiasi database come SAP, Oracle, MYSQL, ecc. in pochissimo tempo.

Collegare i dati delle commissioni di vendita con le tabelle SQL.
Collegate i dati con l'SFTP di Compassattraverso un processo continuo.
Fogli di Google
Smettete di inserire manualmente i dati collegando i fogli con Compass.
Collegatevi e sincronizzate HubSpot per visualizzare le offerte in tempo reale.
Tenete aggiornati i vostri incentivi estraendo i dati da Salesforce.
Importate i dati dalla vostra piattaforma SAP a Compass in tempo reale.
Zoho CRM
Collegare e sincronizzare Zoho CRM e automatizzare i calcoli.
Inserite flussi di lavoro, KPI e campi personalizzati da Close CRM.
MS Teams
Inviare avvisi e notifiche ai responsabili delle vendite per gli affari ad alto rendimento.

Sicurezza dei dati di livello aziendale
e gestione della privacy

La protezione dei dati è di estrema importanza per noi e ci impegniamo a fornire un ecosistema di fidelizzazione sicuro e conforme per le aziende con i più alti standard di sicurezza e privacy dei dati in tutte le fasi di archiviazione, scambio, raccolta ed elaborazione.

Fiducia da parte di aziende leader a livello mondiale

"Riduzione media del 90% dei pagamenti in eccesso

Prima di Compass, avevamo problemi di pagamenti in eccesso, che non solo incidevano sui nostri profitti, ma complicavano anche i nostri processi finanziari. Da quando abbiamo adottato Compass, abbiamo registrato una fenomenale riduzione media del 90% dei pagamenti in eccesso.

Direttore delle operazioni sulle entrate, Coco-Cola

"Riduzione del 67% delle escalation dei pagamenti".

Compass ci ha permesso di comunicare con i nostri dipendenti in modo molto più efficiente, dando loro visibilità ai guadagni delle commissioni, rispondendo alle domande e risolvendo le controversie in un'unica scheda. Il nostro team di vendita ha potuto concentrarsi sulla chiusura di un maggior numero di contratti, anziché preoccuparsi degli errori relativi alle commissioni.

Direttore delle operazioni di vendita, Pepsi

"100% di precisione nei pagamenti"

Con oltre 10.000 membri del team di vendita in tutto il mondo, Compass ci ha dato la sicurezza di garantire pagamenti accurati nei nostri programmi di provvigione. Compass è stato determinante nel rendere i nostri calcoli delle provvigioni senza soluzione di continuità, trasparenti ed efficienti.

Responsabile vendite regionali, Mercedez