El desafío
Managing and onboarding a manpower of over 120000 delivery partners onto a platform comes with its unique set of challenges. Making sure the organizational values and strategic priorities trickle down to each of them and evaluating the efficiency of this was a herculean task. Before Compass, Swiggy was trying to manage this using dispersed and regional partner programs that were run by local management teams. Initiatives were rendered inefficient because the time taken to dissipate was ineffectively high. This tedious management of the reward programs also resulted in huge operating overheads.The other aspect to this challenge was that the delivery partners did not work out of offices but out of their delivery vehicles. They were dispersed across locations and geographies and this also limited control on their performances. This made it extremely difficult to unify and implement the initiatives and to track their activities
- The Evaluation Process: Swiggy chose Compass from an option of 4 others, and the following were the key reasons for this decision:
- Exceptional Technology: Compass allowed Swiggy to robustly design their partner programs. The team was open to discussing the requirements in detail and providing insights on how to efficiently integrate these programs using Compass.
- Reporting and Analytics: Compass provided detailed data reporting and analytics tools. These data tools were key for the efficient use of the system because of the vastness of the data that 1.2 lakhs users would generate. These data points were to be used as key metrics for the delivery partner performance and efficiency.
La solución
Nuestro cliente quería aprovechar la tecnología para crear experiencias personalizadas mediante el análisis de los datos de los socios procedentes de múltiples fuentes, como su CRM, datos biométricos, intereses, uso de la plataforma y otras fuentes de datos para descubrir la actividad de bienestar de los usuarios. Al mismo tiempo, querían garantizar los más altos niveles de privacidad de datos, seguridad y cumplimiento de las normas.
Los requisitos podrían resumirse como sigue:
- Incentivar a sus miembros mediante recompensas e implicarlos mediante comunidades.
- Use activity and performance-based rewards to motivate their members to participate in various wellness programs participate in various wellness programs.
- Increase the usage of online trainings conducted by national and international trainers.