
Deploy your incentive compensation plans with confidence

At Compass, our customers are our priority. Our services & support teams are dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience.
Talk to an expert

We enable a holistic approach to sales performance management

Meets the needs of all stakeholders, from sales operations, revenue operations, finance, sales, and HR department

Plan Design
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Determine your desired business outcomes

Automated complex calculations

Data and integrations discussion

Automated complex calculations

Build revenue driven incentive structures

Automated complex calculations

Apply industry best practices

Implementation & Onboarding​
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Scoping and setup of staging environment

Automated complex calculations

Invoicing and sign-off on

Automated complex calculations

Product implementation

Automated complex calculations

Go live – adoption by end users

Pelatihan dan dukungan
Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

3 days of training by our specialists

Automated complex calculations

Downloadable resources for admins and users

Automated complex calculations

Customer support to handle queries

Automated complex calculations

Built-in ticketing system with clear SLAs

Desain rencana

Taking the stress out of building incentive compensation plans

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Our experienced, professional services team will work with you to determine your desired outcomes and help you design a incentive compensation plan that consistently delivers results

Automated complex calculations

We’ll co-create the sales incentive or commission plans, tailoring them to your organization’s revenue goals and business objectives.

Automated complex calculations

Our professional services team, represented by IC experts and CS managers, will be with you through every step of the way to support the evolving journey of your sales incentive plans.

Implementation and onboarding

Rely on experienced specialists to derisk your implementation

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

A specialized team consisting of a CSM, Technical Architect, Implementation Specialist, and Support – all make sure the IC plans are implemented on time and meticulously maintained.

Automated complex calculations

The desired scope of plans, workflows, reports, integrations and enhancements will be executed through a series of configurations and verified through multiple system walkthroughs.

Automated complex calculations

Enhance data automation, integration, cleansing, and validation by combining data expertise with Compass's powerful APIs, scripting, and ELT capabilities.

Automated complex calculations

We help you personalize the platform with your branding to make it memorable and recognizable to your employees – drawing them into the product making the system truly yours.







Pelingkupan dan Permulaan Proyek


Pengaturan Data & Variabel


Pengaturan Skema


Peluncuran Beta


Produksi & Go-Live
Pelatihan dan dukungan

Continuous training and premium support

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

A dedicated Customer Success Manager will work with the stakeholders to develop a series of training elements for your program administrators, sales managers, and your sales team.

Automated complex calculations

Our incentive compensation product is backed by a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions.

Automated complex calculations

Customers can easily resolve their queries by accessing our comprehensive product documentation and help articles, conveniently located within the product itself.


Premium support model that keeps you moving forward

Build sales commission models easily using our user-friendly dashboard and go live quickly with our predefined functions, data templates, and themes.
Replace error-prone spreadsheets

Our incentive compensation product is backed by a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions.

Automated complex calculations

End-users can request and track support cases with full transparency on SLAs. We constantly monitor open issues and provide timely resolution.

Automated complex calculations

Our customer support doesn’t just react to issues; we proactively monitor system performance and provide regular updates to improve functionality.

Fitur-fitur Kelas Perusahaan yang menangani skala dan kompleksitas

Compass telah mengembangkan serangkaian fitur dan fungsi yang komprehensif yang bertujuan untuk secara signifikan mengurangi waktu dan biaya yang dihabiskan untuk mengelola program kompensasi insentif.

Bergabung dan Serikat Pekerja
Pengeditan multi-pengguna
Papan Peringkat
Dokumen Rencana
Ekspor log audit
Pemberitahuan email
Pandangan pembinaan manajer
Log audit terperinci
Kepatuhan terhadap SOC
Ekspor CSV

85+ opsi integrasi

Sentralisasi data penjualan Anda dari berbagai sumber data dalam satu platform. Tim teknisi kami yang berbakat akan membantu Anda mengintegrasikan data Anda dari berbagai database seperti SAP, Oracle, MYSQL, dan lainnya dalam waktu singkat.

Tautkan data komisi penjualan Anda dengan tabel SQL.
Hubungkan data dengan SFTP Compassmelalui proses yang mulus.
Google sheets
Berhentilah melakukan entri data secara manual dengan menghubungkan lembar kerja dengan Compass.
Hubungkan dan sinkronkan HubSpot untuk melihat transaksi secara real-time.
Tenaga Penjualan
Selalu perbarui insentif Anda dengan menarik data dari Salesforce.
Impor data dari platform SAP Anda ke Compass secara real-time.
Zoho CRM
Hubungkan dan sinkronkan Zoho CRM dan otomatiskan penghitungan.
Bawa alur kerja, KPI, dan bidang khusus dari Close CRM.
Tim MS
Kirimkan peringatan dan pemberitahuan kepada perwakilan penjualan tentang transaksi dengan pendapatan tinggi.

Keamanan data tingkat perusahaan
dan manajemen privasi

Perlindungan data merupakan hal yang paling penting bagi kami, dan kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan ekosistem loyalitas yang aman, terjamin, dan sesuai dengan standar keamanan dan privasi data tertinggi di seluruh penyimpanan, pertukaran, pengumpulan, dan pemrosesan.

Dipercaya oleh perusahaan global terkemuka

"Pengurangan rata-rata 90% dalam kelebihan pembayaran

Sebelum Compass, kami berjuang dengan kelebihan pembayaran, yang tidak hanya mempengaruhi keuntungan kami tetapi juga mempersulit proses keuangan kami. Sejak mengadopsi Compass, kami telah mengalami pengurangan rata-rata 90% yang fenomenal dalam kelebihan pembayaran.

Direktur Operasi Pendapatan, Coco-Cola

"Pengurangan eskalasi pembayaran sebesar 67%"

Compass memungkinkan kami untuk berkomunikasi dengan karyawan kami secara lebih efisien dengan memberikan mereka visibilitas ke dalam pendapatan komisi, menjawab pertanyaan, dan menyelesaikan perselisihan dalam satu tab. Tim penjualan kami dapat fokus untuk menutup lebih banyak transaksi daripada mengkhawatirkan kesalahan komisi.

Direktur operasi penjualan, Pepsi

"Akurasi 100% dalam pembayaran"

Dengan lebih dari 10.000+ anggota tim penjualan di seluruh dunia, Compass telah memberi kami kepercayaan diri untuk memastikan pembayaran yang akurat dalam program komisi kami. Compass telah berperan penting dalam membuat penghitungan komisi kami lancar, transparan, dan efisien.

Kepala Penjualan Regional, Mercedez