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Value Based Selling

Value-based selling is a strategic approach for sales that mainly focuses on understanding the unique value that a product or service can provide. It doesn't solely focus on features and pricing but also emphasizes the benefits and outcomes customers would gain.

In value-based selling, sales professionals aim to uncover the customer's pain points, needs, challenges, and goals. Value-based selling involves effective and robust communication to collaborate with the customer throughout the sales process.

What is Value-Based Selling?

Value-based selling is a strategic approach that allows one to understand and demonstrate the unique value of products and services that can be offered to customers. Its sole purpose is to align the customer's needs, challenges, and goals by identifying the customer's pain point and positioning the product or services as the solution to cater to the pain points and deliver them with tangible or intangible value and building long-term relationships with the customers.

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What are the techniques for value-based selling?

Some of the techniques of value-based selling are:

  1. Value proposition development
  2. ROI analysis
  3. Benefit oriented approach
  4. Collaborative problem-solving
  5. Follow-up with the customers
  1. Value proposition development: Developing a value proposition articulates the unique value and benefits of the product and service offerings, mainly focusing on solving problems and saving valuable time and money.
  2. ROI analysis: Rate on investment analysis helps to demonstrate the financial impact and value of the product and services that can deliver or reach out to the customer's needs. Showing the benefits outweigh the cost and presenting data on the investment.
  3. Benefit-oriented approach: Tailor the presentation according to the benefits and outcomes that matter most to the customers, how the product or services can help them achieve the goals, and neglect the pain points.
  4. Collaborative problem-solving: Making a position and maintaining it as a trusted advisor by collaborating with the customer to find ways to minimize or erase the problem and offering the customers insights, ideas, and recommendations that go beyond that product or service.
  5. Follow-up with the customers: After the sales of products or services, businesses should be engaged with the customers and address their concerns or issues promptly, and provide constant ongoing support.

Value-based selling vs. solution selling: What is the difference?

Value-based selling and solution selling are both considered customer-centric approaches. However, the difference is that value-based selling focuses on understanding and communicating the unique value that a product or service can provide to the customer. It highly emphasizes demonstrating the value proposition and ROI to differentiate the offering.

While solution selling focuses on identifying and addressing customer needs and challenges, solution selling involves comprehensive solutions that meet the customer's needs, where the sales professionals help to collaborate with the customer to identify the solutions.

Describe the approach for value-based selling.

The approach for value-based selling focuses on communicating the unique value that a product or service offers to the customers. The key steps are as follows:

  1. Assessing customer needs
  2. Developing value proposition
  3. Analyzing ROI
  4. Tailored presentation
  5. Address customers objective
  6. Collaborative problem-solving
  7. Follow-up
  1. Assessing customer needs: Initially understanding the needs and challenges the customer faces and their goals. Asking questions and listening actively to gain insights about the problem areas and expected outcomes.
  2. Developing value proposition: Developing a compelling value proposition that clearly articulates the unique value and benefits offered. This mainly focuses on solving problems and saving time or money, and also helps increase efficiency.
  3. Analyzing ROI: Analyzing ROI demonstrates the product or services' financial impact and unique value. Highlighting over sales revenue growth or tangible outcome.
  4. Tailored presentation: Tailoring presentation to focus on the significant benefits and outcomes that foster engagement of customers. The display can include authentic lids examples to make it more engaging and offer value to the customers.
  5. Address customer's objective: Address customers by reframing them to context the value. Since the main aim is to solve the customer's problem, offer them the highlights of the product and services, which will help them resolve the issues.
  6. Collaborative problem-solving: Positioning the business as a trusted advisor and collaborating with the customers to find insights, ideas, and solutions that would be offered beyond products or services.
  7. Follow-up: Post sales, businesses should stay in touch with the customers to ensure the customer is experiencing the expected value. And in case the customer faces any issue, it should be resolved promptly.

Value-based selling vs. consultative selling: What is the difference?

Value-based selling and consultative selling aim to provide value and build relationships, yet they are distinct from each other. 

Value-based selling focuses on understanding and communicating the unique value to the customers via their product or services, which involves identifying the specific benefits offered and can be achieved by using these offerings. This basically consists in aligning the customer offering with the needs and gaining value rather than just selling the product or services. 

In contrast, consultative selling majorly focuses on building relationships. With the customers and be a loyal, trusted advisor. It involves understanding the customer's business and their challenges and tailoring the recommendations. Consulting selling majorly involves asking about problems and listening actively to offer insights with the expert guide to help make informed decisions for the customers.

Give 2 value based selling examples.

Following are the example of value based selling:

  1. Cost saving: A company highlights their product and services demonstrating to help the customer save money. They identify the areas where the customer can reduce costs or streamline operations. The company may highlight features such as reduced waste or low maintenance cost to contribute to overall sales.
  2. Increased productivity: The company emphasizes on customers productivity and efficiency based on the product or services, highlighting the features, including time saving, automation and pipelined process. The sales person may give real life examples of testimonials.

Employee pulse surveys:

These are short surveys that can be sent frequently to check what your employees think about an issue quickly. The survey comprises fewer questions (not more than 10) to get the information quickly. These can be administered at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/quarterly).

One-on-one meetings:

Having periodic, hour-long meetings for an informal chat with every team member is an excellent way to get a true sense of what’s happening with them. Since it is a safe and private conversation, it helps you get better details about an issue.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is one of the simplest yet effective ways to assess your employee's opinion of your company. It includes one intriguing question that gauges loyalty. An example of eNPS questions include: How likely are you to recommend our company to others? Employees respond to the eNPS survey on a scale of 1-10, where 10 denotes they are ‘highly likely’ to recommend the company and 1 signifies they are ‘highly unlikely’ to recommend it.

Based on the responses, employees can be placed in three different categories:

  • Promoters
    Employees who have responded positively or agreed.
  • Detractors
    Employees who have reacted negatively or disagreed.
  • Passives
    Employees who have stayed neutral with their responses.

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