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Koude e-mail

A cold email refers to an unsolicited email sent to a recipient without prior interaction, akin to the email version of cold calling.

What are cold sales emails?

Cold sales emails are unsolicited emails sent to potential customers or clients who have had no prior contact with the sender. These emails are a key component of a cold email campaign, aiming to introduce a product or service, generate leads, or initiate a business relationship.

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What are the best practices for cold emails?

Cold sales emails are crucial for several reasons:

  • Lead generation: They help in identifying and connecting with potential customers who might be interested in your product or service.
  • Market expansion: Cold emails allow businesses to reach new markets and demographics that they might not be able to contact through other marketing channels.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to other forms of outreach like paid advertising, cold emailing is relatively inexpensive.
  • Direct contact with decision makers: Cold emails can reach high-level decision makers directly, bypassing gatekeepers and intermediaries.
  • Personalized approach: When done correctly, cold emails can be highly personalized, addressing specific pain points of the recipient, making them more effective.

What is the importance of sending cold sales emails?

To craft an effective cold email, follow these best practices:

  • Research and personalization: Use personal email addresses when possible and tailor each email to the recipient's specific needs and pain points. Researching the recipient’s social media profiles or company blog posts can provide insights for personalization.
  • Compelling subject line: The subject line should be engaging and provoke curiosity. A good subject line can significantly increase open rates. Keep it short and sweet and consider using phrases like “quick question” to pique interest.
  • Clear and concise content: The email should be short and sweet, getting to the point quickly. Highlight how your product or service can solve a specific problem for the recipient.
  • Strong call to action (CTA): Clearly state what action you want the recipient to take, whether it’s scheduling a call, replying to the email, or visiting a website.
  • Follow-up: Don’t be discouraged by a lack of response. Follow up with a series of emails to increase the chances of a reply.
  • Professional contact information: Include your full contact information and ensure your email signature is professional.

What is the average open rate of cold-sales emails?

The average open rate for cold sales emails typically ranges between 15% and 25%, depending on various factors such as industry, the quality of the email list, and the content of the email itself.  

Campaigns that employ best practices—like personalized content, engaging subject lines, and targeted outreach—can achieve open rates of 30% or higher.  

Understanding the benchmarks for your specific industry can help set realistic expectations and goals for your cold email campaigns.

How to follow up cold email sales?

Following up on cold emails is crucial for increasing response rates. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Timing: Send the first follow-up email 3-5 days after the initial email. Subsequent follow-ups can be spaced out by a week or more.
  • Persistence: Don’t be afraid to send multiple follow-ups. On average, it can take 3-4 follow-up emails to get a response.
  • Varied content: Each follow-up email should provide additional value or a different perspective. Avoid repeating the same message.
  • Short and sweet: Keep follow-up emails brief and to the point. Reference the previous email and reiterate the value proposition.
  • New information: Include new information such as recent achievements, case studies, or additional benefits of your product or service.
  • Clear CTA: Each follow-up should have a clear call to action, whether it’s scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or replying to the email.

How to write an effective cold email?

Writing an effective cold email involves several key elements:

  • Compelling subject line: Craft a subject line that grabs attention and encourages the recipient to open the email. Phrases like “quick question” or personalized references can be effective.
  • Personalization: Address the recipient by name and mention specific details relevant to them, such as recent achievements or shared connections. Use personal email addresses whenever possible.
  • Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of who you are and why you are reaching out. Mention how you found them or what prompted the email.
  • Value proposition: Clearly state the value your product or service offers. Focus on how it addresses a specific pain point or need of the recipient.
  • Short and sweet: Keep the email concise. Avoid long paragraphs and get to the point quickly.
  • Call to action: End with a strong and clear call to action. Whether it’s scheduling a call, replying to the email, or visiting a website, it makes it easy for the recipient to take the next step.
  • Professional contact information: Include your full contact information and a professional email signature. This adds credibility and makes it easy for the recipient to contact you.
  • Follow-up plan: Mention that you will follow up if you don’t hear back and stick to this plan. Consistent follow-up shows persistence and interest.

Enquêtes onder werknemers:

Dit zijn korte enquêtes die regelmatig kunnen worden verstuurd om snel na te gaan hoe uw werknemers over een onderwerp denken. De enquête bevat minder vragen (niet meer dan 10) om snel informatie te krijgen. Ze kunnen op regelmatige tijdstippen (maandelijks/wekelijks/kwartaallijk) worden afgenomen.

Eén-op-één vergaderingen:

Periodieke bijeenkomsten van een uur voor een informeel gesprek met elk teamlid is een uitstekende manier om een goed beeld te krijgen van wat er bij hen leeft. Omdat het een veilig en privégesprek is, helpt het u om betere details over een kwestie te krijgen.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is een van de eenvoudigste maar doeltreffende manieren om de mening van uw werknemers over uw bedrijf te beoordelen. Het bevat een intrigerende vraag die de loyaliteit meet. Een voorbeeld van eNPS-vragen zijn: Hoe waarschijnlijk is het dat u ons bedrijf bij anderen aanbeveelt? Werknemers beantwoorden de eNPS-enquête op een schaal van 1-10, waarbij 10 betekent dat het 'zeer waarschijnlijk' is dat zij het bedrijf zullen aanbevelen en 1 betekent dat het 'zeer onwaarschijnlijk' is dat zij het bedrijf zullen aanbevelen.

Op basis van de antwoorden kunnen de werknemers in drie verschillende categorieën worden ingedeeld:

  • Promoters
    Werknemers die positief hebben gereageerd of akkoord zijn gegaan.
  • Detractors
    Medewerkers die negatief hebben gereageerd of het er niet mee eens zijn.
  • Passieven
    Werknemers die neutraal zijn gebleven met hun antwoorden.

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