Automate Sales Commissions with Compass Compass’s easy Integrations

Discover the benefits of using sales commission software to automate incentives and improve team performance.

تصميم ونشر وبث خطط تعويض المبيعات في غضون دقائق. لا توجد خدمات مهنية. لا يوجد ترميز. لا جداول بيانات. وفر 100٪ من وقتك الذي تقضيه في جهود تجميع البيانات.

تم تصميم برامج عمولة المبيعات لتحفيز فرق المبيعات على بيع المزيد. يتم إنشاء ضمانات الاتصال لتسلسل هذه البرامج ويتم إصدارها عبر Whatsapp أو رسائل البريد الإلكتروني. ثم يتم ملء بيانات المبيعات بشكل دوري من أنظمة بيانات متعددة ، ثم يتم حساب الحوافز النهائية على جداول البيانات.

هذه الطريقة عرضة للأخطاء اليدوية والتأخيرات التي تزيد من الاحتكاك بين الفرق. باختصار ، تؤدي طريقة جداول البيانات التقليدية هذه للحوافز إلى بيئة عمل غير ودية.

Compass sales commission software

Re-imagine your sales commission programs as games. A game has challenges, and so does a commission program. A game has rewards, and so does a commission program. A game also has set-rules, and so does a commission program. Games are impactful when real rewards are disbursed with the click of a button in realtime. Xoxoday Compass sales commission software, with its easy integrations, help you achieve this seamlessly.

Compass first integrates with your data sources. These can be either a CRM, an ERP, a DMS, an HRIS, or any other native-grown tool - and consumes raw data. Compass offers further flexibility (through APIs, SDKs, etc.) for the sources to provide data at preset frequencies. Data synchronization pipelines can be defined to have real-time, near real-time, or batch data processing - based on the criticality of the application.


This data that is drawn this way is then sent to a centralized repository. Compass offers capabilities to add gatekeepers or filters to the raw-data to auto-filter these entries. These filters can be custom-defined in Compass with multiple conditions and logical operators. This capability significantly reduces your time and effort in processing the data manually. The filtered data is then used as the source to configure sales commission programs.

Xoxoday Compass, this way, offers a data-source agnostic platform that makes integration and adaptability extremely smooth.

To summarise, the benefits of Xoxoday Compass integrations include:

  • صفر أخطاء
  • لا توجد جهود يدوية لمعالجة البيانات
  • تحول أسرع
  • الصرف الآلي
  • تنبيهات وإشعارات الأداء الديناميكي

How does compass integrates with your data sources?

Here are some of the top methods Compass integrates with your data sources.

1. خطافات الويب

A webhook (also called a web callback or HTTP push API) is a way for an app to provide other applications with real-time information. Popular CRMs and DMS applications like Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive have ready to integrate Webhooks. Compass integrates with them to get real-time information on Compass thus giving you real-time visibility. The client can even use their own app/web modules to not interrupt the user experience - while leveraging all the functionalities of Compass.

2. واجهات برمجة التطبيقات

An API (Application Programming Interface) delivers a user response to a system and sends the system’s response back to a user. Various native-grown or custom-applications provide APIs. APIs can configure sources that provide any or combination of real-time, near real-time, batch data based on the criticality of their applications. Compass can proficiently connect using APIs and facilitates incoming as well as outgoing APIs for payment transfers. APIs offer clients the flexibility to take Compass functionalities to the mobile /web app their teams are already using.

3. حزم تطوير البرامج

SDKs (Software Development Kit) is essentially a kit that allows you to create software applications on a specific platform and is used when Webhooks and APIs are not available. SDKs shortcodes deployed in the company’s data-tools and create a process to auto-fetch the data.
Compass can easily integrate with existing applications with SDKs and help clients continue using their existing enterprise with the Compass feature add ons.

3. جداول بيانات جوجل

While most organizations still use excel sheets to process data, a significant chunk has moved to Google sheets for easier collaboration. With this data source integration, clients can migrate onto our system quickly and easily. It removes a lot of overhead in the form of data-cleaning and management.
Compass integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets and pulls data types like string, int, float, and date - that makes the sharing of data between these two applications much easier and optimizes the business’s complex processes, and ensures real-time synchronization.

4. هوبسبوت

Hubspot يحفظ أتمتة التسويق للمحتوى الذكي ، البيانات الخاصة بالعميل المتوقع في سجلات جهات الاتصال. Hubspot ، من خلال جهات الاتصال كحقل يشيرون إليه لتخزين معلومات شاملة عن الشركات والصفقات والتذاكر وعناصر الخط والمنتجات وعروض الأسعار ، إلخ.

Compass is empowered to pick up data from these fields and pulls data types like string, int, float, date from Hubspot for real-time communication and helps you save on time and efforts of manual synchronization. Apart from tech-enabled integrations, Compass also lets you manually upload data files. You can set the frequency of the data-upload and processed output will be instantly visible to the admin users.

In addition to decreased errors due to manual intervention and faster turnarounds, integration plays a key role in managing user adoption and experience. The modular microservices architecture of Compass allows clients to pick and choose modules that offer them the best functionality and fit well into their existing tech ecosystem.

Xoxoday Compass integrations come with high data security being a sales commission software. It provides multi-level data security and confidentiality. Our data protection and backup protocols are compliant with GDPR, ISO, and SOC thus offering banking-grade security.‍

وفر 20٪ على ميزانيات حوافز المبيعات وحقق أقصى قدر من الإنتاجية!
قم بزيادة تحفيز فريق المبيعات لديك إلى أقصى حد ، وقم بتحسين الإنتاجية بنسبة 50٪ مع توفير 20٪ من ميزانية الحوافز الخاصة بك. اتصل بنا الآن لمعرفة المزيد!